Thursday 4 March 2010


The different game platforms are mobile phones, internet games, casual gamers and core gamers.

Mobile Phones: In the 5th generation mobile phone games used to be cheap and were not as popular as nowadays. Also in the 5th genreation the mobile phone games were black and white. So now in the 7th generation the graphics are better and the phones are in colour and more expenise than in the 5th generation

Internet Games:The games started to become popul;ar in the 5th generation. A lot of the games on the internet are all arcade based ones. There is a big range of games on the inernet.The internet games are more aimed at casual gamers than core gamers. The controls on the keyboard can be more fiddly then on a console game because on the keyboard you have a lot of keys that can get in the way.

Casual Gamers: A casual gamer is someone who limits they time playing a game and takes it lightly and not as serousiy as a core gamer.

Core Gamers: A core gamer is someone who takes gaming seriously and plays the games for more than 2 hours a day. This is more assocaited with consoles games rather than games on the internet.

PC GAMES: PC games were aimed at casual gamers. The controls for them were the same as the internet. Most of the gameswere mainly role play based but also there were racing and puzzle games. There is not as much choice of PC games than the game consoles.

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