Saturday 20 February 2010

6th Generation

The 6th generation of computer games came out in 1998 with the consoles being DreamCast, Playstation 2, X-box, Nintendo Gamecube. With in these consoles the notable releases were Sonic Adventure, Super Mario Bros, Halo 2.


Playstation 2


Nintendo Gamecube

The playstation 2 has a processor of 32 bit and 33.8MHZ or 37.5 MHZ and a display of 150 MHZ, 48GB per second. The storage for the playstation 2 is 32 MB direct RAMBUS. For the connectivity the game console uses buttons and joysticks on a controller.

In the 6th generation of console games The 6th generation was known as the 128-bit era. This is a lot more then in the 5th generation. In the 6th generation, you can see that more games are now getting to be on the Internet. This lead onto the 7th gneration which we are currently in.

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