Tuesday 27 April 2010


I am going to review the game Rock Band which I was playing on the x-box 360. You can play the game on X-box 360, PS3 and WII. The game is a rhythm game which was released in 2007/2008. The game is published by MTV games, Electronic Arts. The game has a variety of choices because there is singular-player mode as well as a multi-player mode. Another thing that it has lots of choices because you can choose which palyer you are and choose different instruments to play with. The rating that PEGI has given the game is 12+ because of Comic Mischief, Drug References, Lyrics, Mild Blood, Mild Cartoon Violence and Suggestive Themes. When the game first came out the price of it was really expensive which was over 100 pounds but now it is out for a while the price has gone down a bit(£60.00) from Amazon.co.uk. The reason I think that the games was so expensive when it came out probably might be because it is popular and lots of people play on that sort of game.

In the game you play on 45 licences tracks e.g. Suffragette City by David Bowie, When you were young by The Killers and Dani California by Red Hot Chili Peppers plus 13 bonus tracks e.g. Can't let Go by Death of Cool, Seven by Vagiant and Brainpower by Freezepop. There are lots of controllers you can use and these are a guitar controller(wireless or wired). I think the wireless guitar is bettter because you ahve free control on where it goes and you don't have to be fixed in one spot all the time. You can use peripherels from other games e.g. (Guitar Hero)and use them in Rock Band. I think the guitar from Guitar hero was better beceuse it is easier to control and finding the colours on the Guitar. From experience I found that is was handy because you can use Guitar Hero controllers. I found this quite easy to get the hang of the grip of strumming the guitar and picking the colour it needed when it comes up. The game has different tools e.g. drum controller, microphone, headset and a gamepad. You can play different songs and when they are playing, different colours appear and you need to click on them with the appropriate keys and then when it gets towards it you need to strum the guitar. In the game you can pick out a number of varieties of songs to choose from.

I found the game hard at first but once I got used to it, it seemed to be easy. The game did give variable difficulty levels of easy, medium and hard. The game can be single-player mode or multi-player mode. In singular play mode you just have to use one instrument but whereas in a multi-player mode you have lotf ot instruments and alot more playbility. You can play the x-box live on the internet with other people from other countries for example. I enjoyed the game but first I found it hard but when I got the hang of things it seemed to come naturally to me. You can't really play the game over and over again because you would get bored because it is the same songs all the time. But as the elvels get harder you have strum ot bang harder so if you don't you would lose that level and would have to start again.

The game can go on for hours and also it takes a while because you can choose which instruments you want and also you might want a solo with the band in the background. The instruments play well when you play it but some times there might be a glitch and might not react in time and you may lose on the level. The graphics on the game are good but the graphics used to make the audiences are not as good because they mainly focus on the songs more. All the way through the game you have music playing and some times the music suits the instruments but not all the while.

I thought that the rock band game was good but sometimes it is tricky to know when actually to hit the right keys at the right timings. I think that this is the sort of game that I would recommend for people to buy in the shops and have a go at playing on it.
Visuals: 4/5
Audio: 3/5
Game Play: 3/5